Ms Hong Poh Gaik Teacher & Students Chinese Ink Painting
Charity Exhibition 2009

开幕日期 :2009年10月24日(六)
24 October 2009 (Sat)
4:00pm | 入席 | Guest to be seated |
4:30pm | 大会正式开始 | Commencement of opening ceremony |
4:40pm | 方宝玉老师致词 | Speech by Ms Hong Poh Gaik |
4:50pm | 雪隆精武署理会长叶振华先生致词 | Speech by Mr.Yap Chan Wah, Acting President of Chinwoo Athletic Association Selangor & KL |
5:00pm | 剪彩仪式 | Ribbon-cutting ceremony |
5:10pm | 嘉宾欣赏作品 | Paintings appreciation by the guests |
5:20pm | 茶点招待 | Tea reception |